Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I don't know whats worse if you're Bears fan...

Cause theres a lot bad in this article:
1) That your starting quarterback was partying it up at a pretentious sounding dump named "Crimson Lounge"
2) That said starting quarterback was "doing his best timberlake"
3) That Lindsey Lohan thought he was "superhot"
4) That said quarterback looks like this picture

honestly, I can't decide


Adam Kadela said...

Though I am a fairweather Bears supporter (fan would be too strong), I will laugh around, say, October 10th.

After the Cubs choke in a way only the Baby Bears can, their fans will try to drown their sorrows in football... and then it will really hit them that Orton & Grossman are still their QBs. I will then laugh.

Adam Kadela said...

That being said, Jeff... I wouldn't talk too much QB trash, Mr. Viking :).